Mark Addison Chandler Sings The Story Of Dating A Women With “Another Man”, What To Do When You know He Is More Important

By Lauren Schwab Eyre

As I sat in Mark’s Nashville studio he told me the story of dating a woman with another man in the picture. This man had her heart for years and Mark never met him. She always told Mark to come after he left. You may suspect this would be the reason the relationship doesn’t work out, but there is more to the story as Mark describes so well in his new single “Another Man“.

“I knew there was another man who was more important than me.”

-Mark Addison Chandler

Mark sings the story from a time when he was dating a single mom. “As a single parent myself… he (her son) came first, just like my kids. We only dated a few months and I never met him, I didn’t want to because inside I didn’t feel it was responsible for me to,” tells Mark.

Each lyric is descriptive of the woman’s home. “Stick figure pictures, macaroni frames, his art is the way she decorates,” sings Mark. She’s trying to pick up the house, but also have a job and a love life. The boy’s toy truck is still out in the driveway when her date pulls up and he realizes she has a son. “In second grade, but he takes first place in his momma’s heart. He’s never far from her dreams. I know she loves me, but I understand there’s another man,” Mark sings.

“In second grade, but he takes first place in his momma’s heart. He’s never far from her dreams. I know she loves me, but I understand there’s another man.”

-Mark Addison Chandler

The song paints the imagery of a single dad and a single mom, dating and waiting until they know for sure it will work out to introduce their kids to one another. What many can relate to is put into a heartwarming melody. After telling the story behind the song, Mark previewed other singles he plans to release this year that you won’t want to miss. He is also hosting a songwriter night every Thursday called Grindhouse Nashville. Follow @MarkAddisionMusic and @grindhousenash for the latest music from talented writers in Nashville.

Stream and download “Another Man” now on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube and other platforms. A special thanks to Mark and all his friends at Grindhouse Nashville for having Ryan and I out, we can’t wait to get back down there!

Photo Credit To Mark Addision Chandler Social Media

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Join Lauren as she writes stories on farming and country music as a way of life. Be inspired by the hard work and dedication it takes to make dreams a reality and leave your mark on the world!

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